Episode 24: Seeking Help Makes You Stronger (with Dr. Malissa Sanon)

In today's episode, I speak to Dr. Malissa Sanon about her experience pursuing her PhD. We discuss everything from how she chose her program, how mentorship led her down the path to her doctorate, balancing work while pursuing a doctorate, and what prompted her to seek the help of a mental health professional.

About Dr. Malissa Sanon

Dr. Malissa Sanon is a Haitian American first-generation scholar born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In 2020, Malissa successfully defended her dissertation that sought to better understand mental health issues within the Black community, particularly in Black college men. Her dissertation, “If You Can’t Make a Sound, Make A Peep: A Narrative Inquiry of the Lived Collegiate Experiences of Black Male Students Who Dealt With Suicide Ideation,” focuses on the mental health of Black men, how they choose to get help, what resources and support they deemed to be the most helpful. In 2021, she received her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Research Methodology with a concentration in Higher Education from Florida Atlantic University.

As a professional in higher education, Dr. Sanon is a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practitioner. As an advocate of DEI, Dr. Sanon holds dearly that everyone deserves equal opportunity in an equitable environment that embraces diversity as well as individual needs. Dr. Sanon specializes in helping to understand the concepts of equity and inclusivity by acknowledging individual privileges as well as their inalienable right to self-aspiration.

Dr. Sanon runs a consulting business, www.malissasanon.com, where she promotes DEI initiatives in businesses, institutions, and communities. Dr. Sanon is a dedicated empowerment speaker, educator, mentor, and author, that inspires humanity by sharing her personal life experiences and the obstacles that she had overcome. In building resilience, Dr. Sanon discusses the importance of self-awareness and commitment to good work ethics.

Dr. Sanon has presented at higher education institutions, podcasts, and granted television interviews on DEI as well as mental health issues among Black men. She is excited to bring her wealth of experience to collaborate with individuals, organizations, communities, and institutions towards a journey of sustainable transformation as well as unprecedented growth. Dr. Sanon’s most recent TED Talk, “How Would you Respond when you hear a PEEP,” was about raising and reinforcing awareness of mental health among Black men. Malissa wants the world to know that when a Black man makes a PEEP, we should take time to Pause and Listen, Elevate their voice, Encourage them to tap into their resources, and Be Present.

Follow Dr. Sanon on InstagramTwitter, & LinkedIn. Visit her website.

About the Writing on My Mind Podcast
Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus, doctorate coach and diversity consultant, discusses the ups and downs of pursuing a doctoral degree. Tune in as she shares personal stories and revealing conversations with other BIPOC women who share their doctoral journey and provide inspiration for others to level up as doc students.

Follow Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus on Instagram and Twitter. Connect with Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus on LinkedIn.

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Episode 25: Building Your Dissertation Committee


Episode 23: Setting the Stage for a Productive Writing Space