Publications & Media.
Emmanuela is committed to producing scholarship that centers the experiences of Black women and women of color in diverse higher education settings. Below is a list of some of her recent work.
Book Chapters & Peer-Reviewed Articles
Carpenter, A. J., Feraud-King, T., Lewis, T., Stephens-Peace, K. J., Chinkondenji, P., Stanislaus, E. P., & George Mwangi, C. (2024). Rage in (and out) the cage: Black students’ negotiation of safety. Journal of Black Studies, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/00219347241233772
Hodge, L. S., Stanislaus, E. P., & Wilkerson, A. (2023). Make space for us: An exploration of Black female college students’ fictive kinship. In D. Norman Burrell (Ed.), Real-World Solutions for Diversity, Strategic Change, and Organizational Development: Perspectives in Healthcare, Education, Business, and Technology. (pp. 57–72). IGI Global. http://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-8691-7.ch004
Hodge, L. S., Stanislaus, E. P., & Wilkerson, A. (2022). Click to connect: A critical care approach to serving first-generation students online. In M. Bonous-Hammarth (Ed.), Tale of Two Cities in One System: Bridging Marginality in Higher Education. (pp. 85–98). Palgrave Macmillian. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8000-7_5
Stanislaus, E. P. (2021). “Where is the solidarity?”: Black women’s experiences attending a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Race & Pedagogy Journal, 5(2).
Wilkerson, A., Stanislaus, E. P., & Hodge, L. (2021). Teaching First-Year Seminar: The hidden curriculum of culture, history, and heritage at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Race & Pedagogy Journal, 5(2).
Wilkerson, A., Krsmanovic, M., & Stanislaus, E. P. (2021). Culturally relevant pedagogy as a teaching strategy: A case study of HBCU first year seminar pedagogical practices. Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, 33(2), 47-63.
Stanislaus, E. P., Hodge, L. S., & Wilkerson, A. (2021). COVID-19: How will historically underrepresented groups fair in the job market? Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress,5(SI). https://doi.org/10.32674/jump.v5iSI.3043
Hodge, L. S., Wilkerson, A., & Stanislaus, E. P. (2020). How can we help you?: An exploration of what institutional websites reveal about first-generation support services. Metropolitan Universities Journal, 31(1), 92-112. http://doi.org/10.18060/23360