Episode 23: Setting the Stage for a Productive Writing Space

Environment is important for productive writing time. On today's episode, I'm talking about everything to help you set the stage for productive writing. I talk about what counts as writing, tips to reduce distractions, and steps to creating a productive writing space that engages all of the 5 human senses.

About the Writing on My Mind Podcast
Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus, doctorate coach and diversity consultant, discusses the ups and downs of pursuing a doctoral degree. Tune in as she shares personal stories and revealing conversations with other women of color who share their doctoral journey and provide inspiration for others to level up as doc students.

Things Mentioned on This Episode

Episode 15 - Challenges of First Generation Doc Students (with Dr. Lamesha C. Brown)

Wallace, J. K., & Ford, J. R. (2021). They don’t value my knowledge: Interrogating the radicalized experiences of black first-generation doctoral students in HESA programs at HWIs, Journal of First-generation Student Success, 1(2), 127-144.

JazzHop Lounge Spotify Playlist

Email your questions to writingonmymindpodcast@gmail.com.

Follow Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus on Instagram and Twitter. Connect with Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus on LinkedIn.


Episode 24: Seeking Help Makes You Stronger (with Dr. Malissa Sanon)


Episode 22: Let’s Talk About Stress (with Dr. Lynell S. Hodge)