Episode 47: Strategies for Networking as an Introvert

This episode explores a topic that I am always asked about, how do you network if you're introverted. I share 7 of the best strategies to get the most out of networking as a person who identifies as an introvert. Listen to get these practical tips to implement today.

Things Mentioned on This Episode:

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About the Writing on My Mind Podcast

Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus, a certified career services provider, author and researcher, discusses the ups and downs of pursuing a graduate degree. Tune in as she shares personal stories and revealing conversations with other women of color who share their graduate school journey and provide inspiration for others to level up.

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Episode 48: Exploring the Hidden Curriculum of Academia as a First-generation College Student (with Dr. La'Tonya Rease Miles)


Episode 46: Navigating Sponsorship Relationships (with Dr. Rosalind Chow)