Episode 36: Job Searching While Experiencing Burnout

I'm back with another solo episode and I'm continuing the conversation of burnout and how it can impact the job search process. Listen to hear my tips for successfully job searching while experiencing burnout. I also announce my new e-book that is focused on career development for graduate students which will be released at the end of August. In the book, I expand of some of the topics that I’ve focused on during this seasons solo episodes as well as advice for interviewing, building an online brand, the differences between a resume and CV and more. Join My Book Email List to hear about my new career development e-book for graduate students which will come out the end of August.

Things Mentioned on This Episode

About the Writing on My Mind Podcast

Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus, doctorate coach and diversity consultant, discusses the ups and downs of pursuing a doctoral degree. Tune in as she shares personal stories and revealing conversations with other women of color who share their doctoral journey and provide inspiration for others to level up as doc students.

Follow Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus on Instagram and Twitter. Connect with Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus on LinkedIn.

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Episode 37: Balancing the Doctoral Journey While Raising a Family (with Dr. Tania Abouzeide)


Episode 35: Our Doctoral Journey Book Author Chat (with Tabitha Esther and Dominique Garrett-Scott)