Episode 5: Vision Boarding to Success

It’s vision board season and today, Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus discusses:

  • benefits of vision boards and how they can help you during the doctorate journey and beyond,

  • steps to creating a vision board,

  • ways to make your vision boards successful, &

  • what's on her vision board.

Get your free copy of my digital vision board template by clicking here.

About the Writing on My Mind Podcast
Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus, doctorate coach and diversity consultant, discusses the ups and downs of pursuing a doctoral degree. Tune in as she shares personal stories and revealing conversations with other BIPOC women who share their doctoral journey and provide inspiration for others to level up as doc students.

Join the Writing on My Mind Community waitlist. Email your questions to writingonmymindpodcast@gmail.com.

Follow Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus on Instagram and Twitter. Connect with Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus on LinkedIn.

Article Referenced

Burton, L., & Lent, J. (2016). The use of vision boards as a therapeutic intervention. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 11(1), 52-65.

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Episode 6: Creating Space for Black Women (with Nicole A. Telfer)


Episode 4: Celebrating Your Wins