Episode 14: The Value of Mentorship (with Dr. Amanda Wilkerson)

In today's episode, I speak to Dr. Amanda Wilkerson about her experience pursuing her EdD. Dr. Wilkerson shares her passion for mentoring and how she has benefited from her mentors. We discuss everything from her challenges transitioning from attending an HBCU to a PWI and personal story pursuing a tenured track position. She also discussed her book From Student to Scholar: Mentoring Underrepresented Scholars in the Academy.

Dr. Amanda Wilkerson is a scholar and social reformer who examines academia and analyzes K-20 student achievement in order to better understand enhancing the human condition. She is a tireless advocate for equity and excellence in higher education who seeks to build a better world for individuals and institutions through cooperation, collaboration, and community engagement. Currently, Dr. Wilkerson serves as an Assistant Professor in the College of Community Innovation and Education at the University of Central Florida. She is also an affiliated faculty member and visiting scholar with the Center for Minority Serving Institutions at Rutgers University. A proud graduate of Florida A&M University, Dr. Wilkerson has always expressed a sincere commitment to promoting the common good by teaching and mentoring young people who face socioeconomic challenges. She has written educational materials and coordinated forums on significant civic and scholastic matters. Dr. Wilkerson served as the guest editor for the Urban Education Research and Policy Annuals Journal-Hillard Sizemore Special Edition and she has written several articles. As a part of her passion for higher education and her mission to create inclusive learning environments, Dr. Wilkerson regularly works with instructional leaders to build their capacity for studying and practicing equity-based pedagogical approaches. Her research focuses on explicating affirmative teaching practices, educational policies, and community organizing methods that improve community partnerships and bolster student success. Dr. Wilkerson has been recognized with the Outstanding Service in Education award by the Holmes Scholars Association of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) and the Diversity Scholarship with the Adult Higher Education Association (AHEA). She serves as the national chair for the Urban Education Topical Action Group for AACTE. Dr. Amanda Wilkerson is an innovator and an intellectual who continues to work on community development projects, charitable causes, and advocacy initiatives for nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies.

Follow Dr. Wilkerson on Instagram & Twitter. Get the From Student to Scholar book which Dr. Wilkerson authored.

About the Writing on My Mind Podcast
Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus, doctorate coach and diversity consultant, discusses the ups and downs of pursuing a doctoral degree. Tune in as she shares personal stories and revealing conversations with other BIPOC women who share their doctoral journey and provide inspiration for others to level up as doc students.

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Episode 15: Challenges of First Generation Doc Students (with Dr. Lamesha C. Brown)


Episode 13: The Value of Community