Episode 11: Giving Yourself Grace

Recently, I was confronted with the concept of giving myself grace. I've been dealing with the effects of hitting the pandemic wall which is a term that has gained attention after Tanzina Vega tweeted about it about a month ago. In this episode, I discuss my experience and the steps that I have taken to make it over the pandemic wall.

About the Writing on My Mind Podcast
Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus, doctorate coach and diversity consultant, discusses the ups and downs of pursuing a doctoral degree. Tune in as she shares personal stories and revealing conversations with other BIPOC women who share their doctoral journey and provide inspiration for others to level up as doc students.

Things Mentioned in this Episode:
Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Tanzina Vega

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Episode 12: The Mishandling of Black Women in Higher Education (with Dr. Monique Liston)


Episode 10: Coping by Giving Language to Your Experiences (with Dr. Lynell S. Hodge)