Episode 1: Introducing the Writing on My Mind Podcast

It’s been at least three years in the making and I am so glad to launch the Writing on My Mind podcast. This is a podcast to support aspiring and current women of color doctorate students.

The Writing on My Mind podcast is focused on inspiring and supporting women of color doctorate students. In this episode, your host, Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus shares a little about herself and her vision for the podcast. You can learn more about me here as well. In a nutshell, I’m a multipassionate professional who completed her PhD in four years while working a full time job, traveling, and managing a busy social life. I experienced many struggles during my journey and the conversations I’ve had with other women of color let me know that I am not the only one. Now, I’m on a mission to support and through the Writing on Mind podcast and community as well as my doctorate coaching services.

Join me weekly, as I share tips for surviving a doctorate program. I’ll also interview other women of color who are powering through their doctoral programs to shed some light on their experiences and provide inspiration to other women.

Join the Writing on My Mind Community

If you’re looking for a support circle made up of women of color doctorate students, join the Writing on My Mind Community.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter - @dremmanuela

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Episode 2: Playing the Game of Graduate School (with Dr. Ayana Martin)